Charter Oak Portfolio - 20 x 25” - 2017 Pencil, pastel, pigment drawings using rags and fingers and letterpress on Charter Oak. Language arranged, altered, invented or stolen from A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man by James Joyce.
Two and Two 2015 Various papers, various sizes, various media, various colors, same image, same language
Notes 2008 … Life drawings, from plants. The source for other drawings. Most are 14 x 17 on Hodgekinson (white) or TH Saunders (buff), both handmade.
Around the House 2003 … Lost times, not knowing. Just nothing. Looking around the house and paying attention.
D Drawings 2000 Graphite and daisywheel printer on TH Saunders, 14 x 17 The complete set has been exhibited twice: The Commons Art Collective, Norway, Maine; and Ms Berry’s Art Class, SAD 17 Middle School, South Paris, Maine.